Choosing the right security for your business may simply mean increasing the visibility of your security team. If you already have access barriers in place with keycode pads or door card sensors, you can increase the security of your employees, clients, data and resources with additional in-person security.
A security officer will oversee the actions of a security guard. If you lease a single office or store in a large office building or retail establishment, there may be a security guard office or hub where security officers monitor
The security guard is often the first line of defense; a guard can create a visual barrier to potential thieves in your store by simply being highly visible. If your security guard notices a potential thief or security risk, they can notify the on-site security officer or the police.
Perhaps you want to increase your existing security at different times of the year. If you own a retail store and need extra security around the holidays, contracting with a security guard company can allow you to add security as needed.
It may help to think of security officers as the center of a hub of security professionals. On each spoke is another security tool. Your security officer may be in charge of training or supporting a number of security guards. A leading security officer may also be in charge of monitoring cameras or following up after guards check the consistent function of locks.
The simplest way to fully understand the tasks and requirements of a security officer is that a lead security officer is charged with monitoring all of the security tools keeping your business safer, including security guards.
In addition to monitoring the security guards on your property, security officers will be tasked with supporting security guards. Officers may have the training and certifications to carry firearms; guards may not. If a guest or visitor is demonstrating hazardous behavior, a security officer may need to come to the aid of a security guard in danger.
The first duty of a security guard is simply to observe and report. If your business is under threat and the police need to be called, your guard can be relied upon to call for additional support.
If your place of business is open to the public, it may be most helpful to have a guard who is highly visible. People intent on theft, or those intent on creating mayhem, may step back and choose a new victim once they see a security guard on post. A security guard in a uniform always looks as though they belong and may be all you need to add protection for your clients and employees.
If shoplifting has been an issue in a particular area of your store, it may be helpful to post an extra guard there during your busy season. If you’re concerned about armed thieves at the cash registers at your store, it may be best to hire armed guards or armed security officers.
A security guard may also need to calm visitors or employees who are upset, angry or distraught. A quality guard will be able to provide information to someone who is lost and distraught. The calming presence of a skilled guard can also help an angry or disgruntled employee step down their agitation and settle down until they get out of the building.
Unhappy customers may have a lot to say. They may need to shout and swear. A knowledgeable, skilled guard can protect your employees from verbal abuse by getting between them and a frustrated, unpleasant customer. At the very least, an imposing guard can shorten the time an unpleasant guest lingers in your business.
Your business risks will determine your need for a security guard or a security officer. It’s possible that the first factor in your decision-making process will relate to firearms. If your employees work with cash and your registers are a risk, then a security guard or officer with firearms training may be what you need.
As a general rule, officers will always have firearms training and the certifications necessary to carry a firearm. Some guards may have this training or be working on their certifications. As a business owner, don’t hire a security guard with the expectation that they will carry a firearm. If you need security with firearms training, specify your requirements.
If your business isn’t inherently cash-intensive, a security guard in a uniform may be all that you need to protect your employees and investment. Perhaps your business offers larger or more costly items and the majority of your sales are done with a financing package. Security installations, up to and including a safe, may be all that you need to protect any cash on-site.
If your business encompasses several buildings, mobile security can also be a terrific investment. Those who run manufacturing or construction companies may need to store some inventory outside. In such cases, a mobile security professional or team can keep an eye on the site when supervisors and leaders are off the clock.
Each state has a specific set of requirements for those hoping to work as security guards. Once the basic certification is earned, additional training, such as firearms training, can be added to make a guard more versatile.
Additional training that a security guard may consider can include
Perhaps your business is located in a large mall with multiple open areas. The guard working in your store may never need to enter a parking lot, but may need an awareness of abandoned bags or backpacks. In such cases, a guard with a strong knowledge of war-on-terror risks would be of great benefit.
As ever, guards are first tasked to observe events, actions and behaviors, then report to their superiors.
Because security officers often function as supervisors to a group of guards, managerial skills are critical. Security officers may need to support a guard who has to call for back-up or guide them in their training choices. A skilled security officer can serve as an effective mentor to a guard who is new to the job.
Additionally, a security officer may be one of the few professionals on-site who is certified to carry and use a firearm or to take someone into custody. Weapons training is an on-going process; the licensure to carry a firearm in the line of duty is limited in many states and may require regular yearly training for the safety of your clients, employees and other security team members.
Working with a reputable company that can supply you with the security guards and officers you need can save you many headaches. Once you have a strong working relationship with your security company, you may choose to request a favorite guard or officer. The training, certifications and skills of your guard or officer can be confirmed each time you increase the security level at your facility.
Citizens are often choosing to be more cautious about where they spend their hard-earned dollars. By adding visible, reliable security at your facility, you can increase their sense of safety and comfort. Protecting your employees and clients by hiring skilled, well-trained security guards and officers is a wonderful way to improve loyalty to your brand.
UGS delivers world class security guard services throughout Los Angeles, Orange County and San Bernardino. Please contact United Guard Security today to find out more about the scope of our security guard services.