Legal debate and civil concerns changed things for security guards and presented rules for all to follow regarding carrying guns while working. If you were wondering if commissioned security guards can carry guns in California, the short answer is no. Security guards are not allowed to carry firearms. However, some security guards for hire may carry guns in California with prerequisites, standards and guidelines that must be updated with ongoing education, testing and training.
In only the first few months of the year 2024, over three hundred thousand guns were sold to California residents. Gun violence is an ongoing political concern because it presents challenges to state governance to refine the details in the legislature. Meanwhile, moral rights of citizens across America are a growing conversation in political debates. The language that defines state laws for security guards has been updated in California off and on. It is important for those of us that provide professional guard service to stay on top of the topic at hand.
Both mobile and posted security guards are provided through our service and we support vulnerable people, events and places by minimizing cause for concern. Unarmed security guards help deterrence and can connect with law enforcement as needed. Armed security guards, on the other hand, are prepared very differently. Off-duty police officers sometimes carry because they have special permissions, earned rights to carry and licensed permits.
In 1989, security guards were seen as employees of the places that employed them. Thus, their right to carry guns to protect citizens and support the law was approved by legislature. After gun violence and laws were challenged in court, reference to the term, “employee” was used to refine the law. The commissioned security guard was more like an employed vendor as opposed to an actual employee of the place being protected. The conversation shifted in the United States District Court for the Central District of California and they modified the legislation officially in 1993 to say that hired security guards are employees under the State of California. It determined that even when off duty, they may carry firearms.
With gun violence a huge concern in California communities, 1996 brought more change. The state didn’t ever decide on an official definition for an employee under the state law outside of the court’s jurisdiction. Thus, the laws that were written previously didn’t provide logic in coordination. At the time, a security guard could not carry a gun even if they were not at work. If the security guard had a license to carry a firearm, the guard was not allowed to bring it to work.
The most recent legal change simply states that the only people that are authorized to carry a gun are those authorized by state law to carry a gun. The exceptions to these no-carrying rules require prerequisites and standards. Commissioned security guards that work in airports and correctional facilities, specifically, fall under guidelines that allow them to carry in accordance with updates to the latest law.
The ambiguity of the historical changes and language can be a little confusing. There are a few different types of guards for hire that function to serve different clients and a variety of purposes. When you share your needs for a security guard, we’ll match you to the right professional with a quote to get the ball moving.
Security guards are responsible for watching and observing the area or person that they were hired to protect. Their responsibility is to look out for discrepancies in normal behavior and protect the citizens engaging with the environment or person. Liability can be an issue for vulnerable environments and vulnerable people. A trained security guard will help keep liabilities minimal and support your need for professional service. The following methods support our mission:
The presence of a security guard can act as a deterrence to criminal activity because of the psychological effects of spatial awareness. Often, the visual presence of a security officer will enhance the odds that a criminal could be caught. Theft, vandalism and harassment are less likely if the person with mischief on their mind thinks that being caught in the act is likely.
Roaming an area in uniform or in a marked car helps keep crime at a minimum. The focus of patrolling as a method of security is to let any potential intruders know that someone is focused on what’s going on at any given time. Patrolling supports deterrence by acting as a visual presence dedicated to maintaining peace, law and order.
While prioritizing the safety of property and others, responding to an incident is a way that hired security guards act as a liaison to law enforcement. While a security guard can not arrest someone, they can legally ask for identification if a physical threat or criminal activity is detected. The security guard’s response to an incident can help stop any further imposing threat and detain the problem until law enforcement arrives.
While a security guard is working, they are in tune to the group of people, places or things that they are employed to guard. Double-checking that rule compliance isn’t an issue, they are employed to monitor activity at large. Should any issues arise, security guards are present to enforce rules and regulations in the event that they aren’t being followed. De-escalation skills are often developed by the guard in the process of meeting requirements while training.
An endorsed, trained security guard can support law enforcement by communicating in terms that the responding team can understand quickly and clearly. The importance of accuracy is very important because any imposed biases or opinions could cause problems in further conversation and litigation. The incident report can contain more details about the occurrence. Reporting while acting as liaison is a special skill that security guards learn to assist with for official legal documentation.
Are gun-carrying security guards legal? Not exactly, no. A Private Security Officer Firearm Permit issued by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services is mandatory for anyone that wants to carry in the state of California. Any physical altercations during the time of employment as a guard must be reported to the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services by the security guard.
Most often, security guards are liaisons to gun-carrying law enforcement. Security guards can’t legally carry guns except with the previously mentioned permit or while working at a correctional center or an airport. Instead of carrying a gun, unarmed security guards carry flashlights and walkie-talkies. The following is a list of firearms that might be carried if you elect to hire an armed security guard:
A Glock 22 is a lightweight polymer-framed steel barrel gun. It is a common and reliable gun used for its accuracy and because it is easy to use. While it is not common for a security guard to have permission to use this type of gun, it is a customizable pistol often carried by law enforcement.
A Colt M1911is recognizable by the blue steel color. This weapon has roots in the Spanish-American War. To carry this weapon, you must pass self-control tests and a detailed assessment exam. The only security guard that can carry this type of gun are those that hold a license from the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.
A Ruger LC9 is notable due to its 6 inch long body. The 3 inch barrel takes up half of the total size. This smaller, compact gun is a smooth shooter that security guards often carry while they are off duty.
The Beretta Model 92 is made by the oldest gun manufacturer in the world that still actively produces fine craft guns. It is lightweight with an iron front. This gun is easy to fire due to the shape of its handle and is said to be popular for off-duty law enforcement because of its weight and quality, combined.
There is no blanket statement to the inquiry about gun-carrying security guards. Every state has different laws for security guards and every circumstance varies. While considering that a gun can provide protection or intimidate an intruder out of his inclination to cause trouble, the important thing to remember is that guards help minimize liability. If a security guard chooses to carry a gun, they must consider the rules of the employer and the rules of the governing state.
We connect you and your company with unarmed and armed guards to suit your requirements as needed. Executive protection addresses security risks. Cybersecurity is a rising discipline. Thus, the vulnerability of those who need assistance to protect their clients, company or work is rising simultaneously. Our security consultations provide expertise and guidance to organizations seeking service. Connecting you with trained, experienced and educated guards to minimize liability is our goal.
UGS delivers world class security guard services throughout Los Angeles, Orange County and San Bernardino. Please contact United Guard Security today to find out more about the scope of our security guard services.